SCAH      Solihull Churches Action on Homelessness

Welcome to SCAH and the work of Solihull Churches relating to homelessness.

Begun in 1993 when 'cardboard cities' were at their height, campaigning soon developed into practical action and over the years initiatives such as assisted housing for the young, a rent deposit scheme and furniture restoration have been part of SCAH's work. In recent years SCAH has provided 'starter packs'  and DROs (see 'SCAH support' tab above) as well as helping to alleviate general poverty. Fortunately, the £90 charge for a DRO was abolished in the 2024 Government Budget.
 Here you will find information about our current work and concerns. We invite your participation - your interest, making a donation (please see CAF Donate button below) and your prayers for those with whom we work.
SCAH is a nimble charity which can respond quickly to requests from the various branches of social services.
SCAH's 2023 annual general meeting (AGM) was held on Thursday 25th April 2024 and the finance presentation (including the annual accounts for 2023) and the Trustees' Report for 2023 are included at the bottom of the 'Trustees, Committee, Partners and Policies tab shown above. 

Next Meeting 2024: To be arranged. Watch this space! If you would like to attend please would you email so we can have an idea of numbers of attendees.

SCAH is run entirely by volunteers. Could you be a volunteer? As a 'shopper' helping to provide starter packs to people who are about to leave homelessness? Please see the 'scah_volunteer_shopper.role_description' file below...but we have other roles where your expertise and enthusiasm could be of use. If your answer is 'Yes, I could be a volunteer' then please email your details to

SCAH Volunteer Shopper.Role Description (1)[21501].pdf